Mplab C30 3.31 Serial
Software Application Disclaimer The text above is not a piece of advice to remove MPLAB C for PIC24 MCUs and-or dsPIC DSCs by Microchip from your computer, we are not saying that MPLAB C for PIC24 MCUs and-or dsPIC DSCs by Microchip is not a good application for your computer. This text simply contains detailed instructions on how to remove MPLAB C for PIC24 MCUs and-or dsPIC DSCs in case you want to. The information above contains registry and disk entries that Advanced Uninstaller PRO stumbled upon and classified as 'leftovers' on other users' computers.

Four years ago I disassembled C30 and came to this conclusion regarding serial numbers: Use included license manager (pic30-lm.exe) with the following switches: -ix=DDMMYYYY: make demo last to date MM/DD-YYYY -iu=XXX: make demo last XXX days or finally make it full version -uMTIxxyy4zzzz (where xx=01-04, yy=01-53, zzzz=0001-9999) (example: -uMTI035248989 is a valid licensenumber) According to these findings MTI074042127 would be an invalid serial. There were some date checks, but if I recall correctly I chose xx=01-04 to be on the safe side. Try using the example above and see if it works better. The latest version as of today available to download is: Tried making the examplefiles using serial MTI074042127 and they failed. Using serial MTI035248989 everything was ok. Regards Wannabe « Last Edit: August 01, 2008, 05:28:29 17:28 by Wannabe » Logged. I tried the following: 1) During MPLAB MPLAB_C_ComboFull_v3_11 Installation -In the 'Get Registration Window', entered MTI035248989 in serial number entry.The Installation completes successfully but during making/building project, output window indicates the following: 'Microchip MPLAB C30 License Manager Version v3_11 (Build Date Jul 16 2008).
Copyright (c) 2008 Microchip Technology Inc. All rights reserved. The MPLAB C30 license manager command-line is invalid. Pic30-coff-cc1.exe: error: License manager failure, please contact your support representative or ' 2) After Installing MPLAB MPLAB_C_ComboFull_v3_11 - Run pic30-lm.exe -uMTI035248989 from DOS prompt.Following message appears next: 'Microchip MPLAB C30 License Manager Version v3_11 (Build Date Jul 16 2008). Copyright (c) 2008 Microchip Technology Inc. All rights reserved.
Adding License MTI035248989.' Then also, building/making project in MPLAB 8.1 gives the same error as stated in point 1 above. I request for any other suggestion.
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