Toyota Obd1 Serial Interface For Arduino
Hack an ELM327 Cable to Make an Arduino. Chip and attach the Serial TX/RX pins of the arduino to the. Ways to interface the Arduino and OBD II. Freematics OBD-II I2C Adapter for Arduino. Serial I2C data interface for micro-controllers; Reading and clearing vehicle diagnostic trouble code (DTC).
I want to try and read the data from the engine OBD and out put eventually in Arudino. I'm new to some big parts of this project, so seeking for some help. I found this post, which shows how to connect a COM cable to the DLC1 connector on the car in order to use there s/w: I have a MCP220 USB to Serial break-board that I checked that there s/w recognise. My Q is: how do I wire the CABLE to the MCP2200?
Also, he mentions in the instructions of the s/w that u should not use a laptop but a grounded computer? I do not have a desktop that I can use, can I ground some other section with a rode to the floor- or something like that? Thanks in advance.
As I recall OBD I trouble codes are pretty primitive. There are 2 pins on the OBD connector that will output a series of long and short outputs, somewhat like morse code. All you'll have to do is monitor the long and short flashes and interperet them as a code. The tricky part is that all manufactuers use different connectors and different codes. You'll have to spend some time searching to get the pin out, how to read the codes and what the codes represent. I'd look for the pin out for the same year and model vehicle as I don't have much confidence that even within the same manufacturer there was much consistancy where OBD I was concerened. Youtube and google will get you the info you need pretty quickly on how to connect to the vehicle.
Regarding the ground situation, I'd follow the recommendation to use a PC with a ground, you can't just take a wire and touch it to the ground, that's not what a ground is. Optionally you could build an interface with an opto isolator or relay that would isolate the PC from the vehicle so grounding wouldn't be an issue, but that's going to require more hardware and a better understanding of electronics.
Are you attempting to troubleshoot a particular problem on a specific vehicle or is this an academic exercise? If you're an aspiring shadetree mechanic it's probably best to try and address the symptoms directly instead of expecting the ECU to tell you what the problem is. OBD I codes are not very useful for a mechanic, it's more productive to check for fuel, air and spark. Hi, thanks for the fast the extensive reply. I thought the same, that the OBD1 had only the error code that u can get bu shorting 2 terminals, and 'counting' the blinks of the check engine light.
Both the web page I posted (that I got the link out of a forum - that some one posted) they claim in some of the old ODB1 did have data in it. For example note the following video (yes I know this on is a honda - but still).
Unfortunately there is not a lot of info in the clip (at least not that I can understand). And no - I have no specific prublom in the car - if I had I would have taken it to the shop. Download naruto shippuden episode 451 sub indo videogenfb. Just want to extend the output of info Again thanks for your reply. Be careful the ELM327 USB interface only specifies OBD 2, I'm not sure if an adapter cable to make the diagnostic port connector interface with the scanner will be of any use, the difference between OBD 1 and OBD 2 is more than just the connector, I suspect that there are significant difference in the way data is sent that makes an OBD 2 scanner unable to read OBD 1 codes unless the scanner is designed to do both, it might be a waste of $16 to buy something that is only for OBD 2. Around here there are a number of auto parts stores that will loan you a code scanner (OBD I or OBD II), if you have a parts store with a loaner tool program it would be better to borrow a professional tool to see if the data is present before spending any money.
Again, thanks for your reply Here (North of Thailand) thus tools are harder to come by I think that even If I try to go to Toyota Main shop here - they might look at me like crazy My hope will be that the combination of the OBDII 2 USB connector -which I'm guessing is some form of SERIAL TO USB connection - with the s/w I found on the web (that can communicate with com ports) will do the trick. And for the trial of it I'm willing to spend the $16.

I'm flying soon to Israel (where I'm originally from) and I hope maybe to find the answer while I'm there - I know a few people that know few people Thanks a million for all the help, If I find any thing new, or works things out I will post them here. After hours of reading and trial and error I can tell for sure that the data is there. Now I'm trying to read it using an arduino mega. But having some issues since they have a different pattern for the serial - then one that I could find on the begin command. I know its baud 96 (100). I made several attempts of reading the data (via Seral1 - baud 100 in all the 2 end bit options) and sending it to the computer via the Serial. I get an output but can not make a pattern out of it - and I'm guessing it has to do with the starting 16bit + 4bit as shown in the PDF.