Borderlands 2 Evil Smasher Glitch After Patch
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Borderlands 2. All Discussions. So i wanted to try teh evil smasher glitch, but i don't know how to get rid of the patch that stops it. Borderlands 2. All Discussions. So i wanted to try teh evil smasher glitch, but i don't know how to get rid of the patch that stops it.
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It was impossible for me to get the evilsmasher glitch to work, so I googled it and found this doods message board post, which nailed it There is a significant trick to getting the Evil Smasher to upgrade: the weapon switch timing is key. Previously, I had been using my right hand on the mouse and was switching between the Evil Smasher and another weapon with my mouse wheel. My right hand was on the 'r' key, to initiate the reload each time. It turns out that the glitch is highly dependent upon a timing issue. The speed at which you switch from the mid-reload Evil Smasher to another gun and then back is the key to getting the upgrade glitch to stack. Using my mouse wheel to switch between weapons was too slow, or otherwise inhibited the glitch from occurring.
Instead, I needed to switch between weapons using the number keys and my left-hand. To successfully exploit the glitch, I found that I needed to fully empty the current gun clip by firing until it was empty. When the automatic-reload starts, using my left-hand, I needed to switch between the Evil Smasher and some other gun, and then back again. Assume I have the Evil Smasher in slot 4, and another gun in slot 3. By quickly pressing 3, then 4, in very-fast succession, and then using the mouse fire-button to initiate another reload, I found that the glitch was extremely reproducible and I was finally able to start stacking the upgrade effect.
To re-iterate; the key is the speed of switching back to the Evil Smasher during mid-upgrade, after having switched away from it. This is best done by using your left-hand to press the weapon slot keys instead of using the mouse wheel with your right-hand.
After the glitch is successfully stacked, you will find that your regular guns do the upgrade glitch on almost every reload without doing the fast weapon switch procedure. No, you're making this needlessly complicated.
The core of the glitch (which applies to a lot of other weapons with special effects) is switching from the weapon with the desired property to a different weapon, then switching back to the original weapon before the ammo counter numbers appear for the second weapon, and lastly allowing the ammo count for the original weapon to display before performing the next iteration. In the case of the Evil Smasher, you can use an interrupted reload to check on your stacking progress. For the Vladof glitch, I've not tried to stack it without doing the fire-switch-fire starting sequence. Lastly, convenient video that I've had to re-post way too many times: • • • •. For pc you are giving yourself the passive, not the gun.