Awe Setup In Peoplesoft
How to create awe in peoplesoft, awe peoplesoft, simple awe peoplesoft.
It is not a trivial task and the my at best lacking. Main points to deal with: 1) Approval Registry - need to define all the aspects that you require. Note that this requires SQLs to be created as well as views to be created. Need to define generic templates (and the SQL that goes with them). 2) Approval Process - ties to the registry to do the work. Yet even MORE views to create (but can also use the core ones from the registry, just depends on all of your criteria setup). 3) Integration Broker - you will need to set up a message to do the processing (and a service operation and a queue and and and.
Peoplesoft Awe Red Paper

This is where you will tie in your application package peoplecode that does the actual work. Now, depending on your design you most likely can extend existing methods so your code should be fairly simple (why, yes, I do have my rose colored glasses on, why do you ask?) 4) Security for the whole mess. And this is just the processing of the events.the 'somebody pushed a button do the workflow'.which means you need to write up the code for the 'button' or other action that invokes your workflow. I would suggest walking through the setup in DEMO for an existing workflow but the big issue would be that the workflow would actually have to be working in your DEMO environment to be of any use and that usually takes a bit of work just to get DEMO workflow up and running. Usually the IB setup is the culprit (gateways, URLs, etc) all the stuff that is machine and site specific.
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You are in for some fun times. If I were in your position, I would be looking at what I could 'clone' or outright 'repurpose' (aka 'snatch' yet another highly technical term) so that all I would need to do is write wrappers around delivered functionality. Application Package PeopleCode is usually fairly easy to extend. This is a fun one. In 8.9 the feature exists (you need to dig for it) but the DBA and I gave up after a few days of working on it and determined that yes, it could be done but would require significant work.
From the 9.1 release notes for Expenses: 'Email approvals can be sent to a handheld mobile device or any email application capable of handling HTML or HTML attachments.' It appears that the BIG PRINT says they addressed this issue. I am eager to see what the 'fine print' really says about setting it up and making it work.