Arc Rise Fantasia Wii Iso
Contents • • • • • • • • • Gameplay [ ] Much of the game is progressing through the world and dungeons, some of which are puzzle-based, as the player listens to the story told. The conversations in the game are presented in a vibe resembling with character portraits. At the game's heart is its combat system, which is that of a turn-based role-playing game. The player and the enemy both move and fight during the same phase of battle, but the turn order is determined by the actions taken. Parties consist of three characters who share a single AP gauge which empties as various actions are performed. AP is regenerated at the start of each turn, so using as much AP as possible per turn is important for strategic reasons.
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Standard fare for the genre such as items, buffs/debuffs, magical and physical attacks, and special acts are present as well. During certain parts of the game the active team may be made up of four members instead of three, though the fourth can only be controlled by the AI.
Arc Rise Fantasia (usa) (ntsc) Wii Iso
Once the player passes a certain point early on in the story, both the player and the enemy will be able to chain together acts under certain conditions to increase power/effect of that move. For the main protagonist, he is capable of using beasts called Rogress to unleash highly powerful effects at a large AP cost. The game is also with the, with the. Plot [ ] Summary [ ] Arc Rise Fantasia is set in the world of Fulheim, a fictional large region of Earth. Creatures called 'Feldragons' are causing a lot of trouble as they pass the Meridian Empire in flocks. If one is killed, the resulting explosion poisons the local area.

When the empire receives word that a massive horde has its sights on the capital of Diamant, it immediately sends out an army to fight them, including L'Arc, a cool and collected novice mercenary, and his friend Alf, the beloved prince and second in line for the throne. The game is based on political tensions between the Meridian Empire and the Turmelian Republic; a third faction is Olquina, a devoutly-followed coalition at war with the Republic and the Empire. Another central plot point is the game's 2 Laws; Real's Law and Imaginal's Law. A Child of Eesa must choose to present one of two laws that will form the building blocks of the world to the god Eesa. Also, both Real and Imaginal have Divas, who are the priestesses of their religions. Synopsis [ ] The game opens with the protagonist, Meridian Empire Legionnaire and mercenary L'Arc Bright Lagoon, protecting the army by facing off against a dragon aboard a lightship; the energy of the fight sends him crashing to the Earth, only for him to be saved (and the catalytic explosion of the dragon prevented) by a girl named Ryfia, who is later revealed to be the Imaginal Diva, whose mother was recently assassinated making her the Diva.